Tricia Dower Posts

The Recommend: May 2016
Most of the books we read are the result of one thing: someone we know, trust, and/or admire tells us it's great. That's why we run this series, The Recommend, …

On Our Radar
New books by Tricia Dower, Danielle Metcalfe-Chenail, Sue Goyette, Melanie Florence, and Julie Pearson and Manon Gauthier

Shelf Talkers: March 2016
For the March installment of the Shelf Talkers column, we’ve asked our assembled booksellers to weigh in on new favourites, perfect—when the weather …

Tricia Dower: True Confessions of a Clandestine Summer Reader
"Through my clandestine summer reading I was beginning to see that love and pain sat next to each other."